
Spitchwick Common

  • _MG_9198

Peaty water, clean from the mountain, this is the most popular and accessible Dart swimming location, especially in summer. Also known as Deeper Marsh, it has been a bathing place for generations. Grassy flats lead to rocky river shore, deeper on far side with high cliff behind.

Place Categories: River Swims and Wild Swim.Place Tags: dive, paddle, swim and wildswimming.

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  1. […] I discovered Sharrah Pool on the Guardian’s website and without a doubt would recommend all fans of wild swimming seek out this secluded, natural pool that is tucked perfectly between the steep banks of the River Dart, a safe distance away from the more popular Dartmoor swimming destination of Spitchwick.  […]

2 reviews

  1. Lost on 12.8.16 my wedding ring, engagement ring and my eternity ring, notices have been placed around the site and the ice cream man also has my details. Have searched high and low from 5am this morning, if anyone knows anything or comes across them then please please get in touch 07902863500. Thanks

    Sian Louise Critcher, Aug 13, 2016  -   Spitchwick Common

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  2. How sad it is to see the rectangular shape of burnt grass everywhere because the chavs that visit the place cannot be bothered to put their disposable bbq’s on some stones or other materials to protect the grass.

    Warwick Heston, Aug 30, 2014  -   Spitchwick Common

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  3. […] I discovered Sharrah Pool on the Guardian’s website and without a doubt would recommend all fans of wild swimming seek out this secluded, natural pool that is tucked perfectly between the steep banks of the River Dart, a safe distance away from the more popular Dartmoor swimming destination of Spitchwick.  […]

    Wild Swimming at Sharrah Pool |, Aug 22, 2014  -   Spitchwick Common

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  4. Gorgeous swimming place out of school holidays, but beware the curse of the Devon Council parking attendants!! Boo to them

    Nicky Deane-Simmons, Jun 19, 2014  -   Spitchwick Common

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  5. Profile pic

    We were here in April and it was nearly deserted and just lovely. The deep clear water provides for a good swim against the current and for excitement go down the water shoot. The water below the shoot is fast moving in the main current but out of that you can swim round and back onto the water shoot. Such fun!

    suebarnes, Apr 29, 2013  -   Spitchwick Common

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  6. Lovely place to swim upstream against the current endlessly, but avoid it in the summer as it’s overrun with people and, sadly, litter. That’s the reason for the four star rating.
    Downstream is a great water-shoot where the current speeds up and curves round the bend.

    Lynne Roper, Sep 12, 2012  -   Spitchwick Common

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