
Faerie Pools, Glen Brittle

  • _MG_0640

Deep pools and Waterfall or Gorge, tinged with pink and blue hues, set under the peaks of the Black Cuillins. Perfectly clear water and underwater arch to swim between pools.

Place Categories: Waterfall or Gorge and Wild Swim.Place Tags: dive, plunge and wildswimming.

Profile pic davewatt says:

Perfectly clear waters, cold at first but you soon get used to it. Take some berach shoes, because the rocks are sharp outside the water. Difficult to climb in and out of the pool area but well worth it. Fantastic and a superb drive to get there through the Tattie Bogal Trail.
It is magical too. Why? On Saturday 4th August 2012 at about 2pm, I was jumping into a Fairy Pool, on the Isle of Skye near Glen Brittle. As I dived in, the cold water took my breath away, but it was beautiful. There was a woman there who was just as beautiful and who also took my breath away. She had a captivating smile, short light coloured hair and a lilting Scottish accent. She changed and left the pool. I walked back to the car with clouds pouring magically over the Cuillin hills, cursing my luck that I should meet someone like that so far from home, but I saw her again driving away from the car park in a white minibus with her group of other women and she flashed that same smile in my direction and we both waved and said goodbye. I would drive all the way back to Skye to see that smile again. 🙂

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