Is Wild Swimming Safe?
By wildswim at July 18, 2013 | 7:28 am | 3 Comments

Wild swimming - taking a dip in rivers, lakes, waterfalls and streams - is fantastic fun, has great health benefits and thousands of people have been giving it a go during July 2013 - the first serious heatwave since 2006. But as cooling off during the heatwave has led to series of avoidable drownings, people are rightly asking: is wild swimming safe? Having just
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Wild Swimming 300 dips – PR preview
By wildswim at April 15, 2012 | 9:47 am | 0 Comment
Coming on 27th May, the all-new bumper second edition of the best-selling Wild Swimming photo guide is now fully revised and expanded to include 100 amazing new wild swimming locations, brand new coverage in the South-East and the Midlands, new information for kids and families, new ideas for pubs, campsites, boat trips and weekends, new ratings on safety and access. This